Yes, lots of flower pictures today. First of all have you seen all the photos from the Farm Chicks show? Of course you have, I fell in LOVE with the topiaries from the Barn House Boys. Since I live several thousand miles away I won't be getting one. I made my own version, not as good as theirs, but it will do. Do we have anything similar to the Farm Chicks show here on the East coast???? Am I living under a rock and have never heard of it? If we don't we need an east coast event!
Stopped at a garage sale, picked up this metal work thing, it was attached to a shelf, but I removed it. The sweet lady that was having the sale cut me a bouquet, aren't they beautiful!

Finally a few pictures from the canal place, where my shop is.

Makayla was a great model until she realized there were bees everywhere.