What is Breath Therapy?
Breath Therapy is a highly personal, experiential process that uses specific breathing techniques to clear out physical, mental and emotional blocks or stresses. This is a safe and proven method of utilizing simple breathing practices to quickly and easily enter into a non-ordinary state of consciousness. This trance state allows unconscious and previously repressed thoughts and emotions to rise to the surface for release and integration.
Breath Therapy is based on ancient Eastern principles and further explained by modern Western scientific methods. Various focused breathing techniques are used to induce a relaxation response, inhibited breathing patterns, release negative emotional energy and future stress response, channel vital energy or life force, and stimulate self from past experiences, and improve awareness.
Breath Therapy works on the principle that there is a direct connection between the psychological, emotional, spiritual and physical well being and the openness of the breath. The use of breathing techniques produces a self generated altered state of consciousness that can be used in much the same way as hypnosis with the client directing the process. Experiences range from deep physical relaxation, emotional release, psychological understanding and expanded spiritual experiences.
The simple act of daily breathing is the ultimate healer,
but it is neglected, taken for granted and inhibited.
The Breath has been found to be a very precise key to the body’s natural healing resources Every change of mental state is reflected first in the breath and then in the body. Breathing is a key ingredient in physical, emotional and mental health. It is a grossly underestimated source of life giving, healing and purifying energy. A change in breathing creates a change in chemistry, physiology and biology. It is essential for physical and psychological well being that our breathing is optimal.
As the foundation level of the Integration Process, Integral Breath Therapy is a powerful energy therapy. It uses the mind body connection to access “the story” and its underlying, unresolved issues Medical findings published by the Association of Pre and Perinatal Psychology reveal that our most deeply held beliefs about life are formed by decisions made before the age of one year. Breath Therapy heals the deepest wounds and traumas, including those related to our birth experience and first years of life.
Breath Therapy is an ideal adjunct to psychotherapy, personal development, stress management or spiritual growth. Breath Therapy is emerging as a valuable tool among the helping profession and provides an opportunity for deep healing and integration, creating a sense of unity with self and others.
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Very cute signs. I love repeat clients!