Some of you have asked what my secrets are to curb shopping, as I call it. I don't really have secrets just a lot of luck and patience. Here are a few of my suggestions to help you reclaim others trash for up cycling.
1. If your not ashamed tell everyone you know to call/text/email you when they see ANY piece of furniture. What they may thing is junk might be just what you were looking for. You can't be everywhere all the time so having multiple eyes is good.
2. Make it clear to family, friends and neighbors that you will take anything they no longer want. Even if it is not something you can use thank them and take it anyway, if you tell them it is not something you want they may never bring you anything again. You can always get rid of the items without them even knowing.
3. If you have the time, take a drive around town on garbage night. Putting in a little time looking is well worth it. We actually enjoy driving around looking, Chris and I get to spend quality time together, no TV, computer. Makayla even joins us sometimes, she is my future junker.
Found all four of these pieces of furniture driving around on garbage night.

Found this twin bed frame when taking Makayla to school.

A friend called and asked if I wanted this dresser, I said yes without even seeing it. All I had to do was paint it.

My aunt spotted this dresser along the side of the road and called me. If you remember it was missing some drawers, we just cut it down and made it work.

My other aunt called Chris about this hutch, he went and picked it up while I was at work. Great surprise when I got home. I hope to paint this within the next few weeks.

See, the more options you have the better your chances of finding really great pieces for FREE!