Yesterday was absolutely beautiful! It was the perfect day for the Garlic Festival. The group that organizes this did a wonderful job. There were lots of vendors and shoppers! A perfect combination!

In addition to lots of garlic there were lots of sunflowers. Of course a bouquet came home with me!

This was my view most of the day and I worked admission into the garlic festival and helped man The Shops at 25 West's booth.

I did get to sneak away for a few minutes to attend my friend Christine and Blase's salon opening. I even got a cute henna tattoo. I took this picture from their 3rd floor view.

My wonderful friend Amber and her photogenic family. They always take such beautiful pictures!

Today it is raining so I am working on some signs of course, my presentation( which will be here before I know it), and some fun ideas for my booth. Which may include a paper tree and perhaps a painted floor cloth.