I got a call on Sunday that there was someone looking to buy the rooster window, but it wasn't in my booth anymore. They had thought maybe I brought it home. I hadn't, it had sold. I didn't get a chance to speak with the person looking for the window, so if you took my card and happen to be reading this post...send me an email I can make you one if you like.

Since I knew I had a blank space I took down this window I had just finished on Saturday. (I must have sensed it was going to sell) While there I met Carol who loves my signs and wanted something extra special made for her home.

After speaking with her we came up with this amazing sign. She wanted something substantial that would fill up a blank space. Below is the sign with the saying...BREATHE, Open to the wellspring of love within you. Great saying I know.

Carol also bought the Chateau Window for her home. She is promising me pictures of where she uses these. So as soon as I get them I will be sure to post them. It is always nice to see how someone uses the things you have created. This weekend, everything just fell into place at the right time. LOVE THAT!