I spent some time doing some rearranging, I grouped all my black frames around our altered art family portrait. My amazing friend
Amber created it and is in the process of doing a few more for me, I can't wait!

I am loving the little cake stand I picked up.

and a new to me rug. It is faded to the perfect colors I love...creams and blacks. Chris doesn't get it and can't believe I spent money on such a thing. It was hard getting good picture of it. I also started re doing the table in our dining room. I got the top completely done and today its raining so now I can't work on the base and chairs, there always tomorrow.
We even squeezed in a trip to the fair.

I actually had the house to myself yesterday so I got a lot accomplished. The girls went to
Enchanted Forrest Water Safari for the day with my aunt and Jonathan had football activities most of the day.